The Orphan's Tale (Jenoff) A heartwarming and heart wrenching book about two women who unexpectedly become friends as they struggle to survive in Germany during WWII. Noa is a seventeen year old Dutch girl who is thrown out of the house by her parents after she becomes pregnant by a German soldier who came to stay at their house one night. Shamed and in shock, Noa makes her way to a facility for pregnant teens in Germany where the blond haired, blue-eyed beauty is assured that her baby will be put in the German program where unwanted babies are adopted by rich German couples. However, when Noa's baby is born, he isn't "Aryan" looking enough, and even though the nurse takes the baby from Noa and refuses to let her change her mind and keep him, it is heavily implied that the baby didn't live up to the adoption standards, so we don't know what truly happens to him. :-( Noa makes her way to a small town with a train station and takes a job cleaning floors, bathrooms, etc., and lives in a closet-like space at the train station. Meanwhile, Ingrid is a 29 year old circus aerialist with the famous Klemt circus in Germany. Her entire family, mother, father, and three brothers are all a part of the circus which has been in the family for years. They are also Jewish! They live in a big house near another circus family, the Neuhoffs. Before the regime of Hitler has acquired much power, Ingrid falls in love with a German officer, Erich, and he with her. They get married and live very happily in Berlin for a few years...Ingrid giving up her circus life and moving away from her family. However, once Hitler gets more and more power and Erich becomes an officer of the Third Reich, he is ordered to divorce his Jewish wife. He comes home one day and coldly tells his wife they are no longer married and gives her a few minutes to gather her things and leave. (It's sad :-( ) Ingrid makes her way back home, only to see that her family home has been overtaken by German officials and her family is nowhere to be seen. She has no choice but to knock on the door of the Neuhoff family to see if they have any news of her family. Herr Neuhoff, the head of the family and the head of the Neuhoff circus, remembers Ingrid well and takes her in. He says he doesn't have any news of their family, but he would like to have her come and be an aerialist for him. They will change her name and he will get her German papers, essentially hiding her from the Jewish persecution. Realizing that her family is probably all dead, Ingrid accepts his offer and Astrid Sorrell is born. Astrid becomes the new star of the Neuhoff circus and after a couple of years, falls in love with Peter, a Russian clown performer and key member of the circus. We switch back to Noa's story (which is actually the story that opens the book) and find her hearing some strange sounds coming from a train boxcar one night late at night. Noa has seen the trains stopping and going at their small train station before, often with Jewish people aboard. She assumes they are being taken to refugee camps. On this night, Noa makes her way to the strange sounds in the boxcar, opens the door, and sees babies, all babies, piled upon one another in the freezing boxcar, most of them naked, many already dead and many dying. In the very middle of the babies she sees some little feet kick and sees a squirming baby boy! Before she knows what she's doing, she grabs the baby and runs. She briefly thinks it could possibly be her own child, but when she changes his diaper, she sees that he's circumcised and therefore, Jewish and not hers. She doesn't care. He's an innocent child and she wants to save him. As the train guards realize that the boxcar door is open, Noa flees for her life and the baby's, through the snowy woods. After traveling all night, with no food and in freezing temperatures, Noa can finally make it no further and collapses. Enter Peter, Astrid's circus love who finds Noa and the baby in the forest and takes them to the circus! Ashamed of her own past, Noa claims that Theo, as she names the baby, is her little brother, and that they fled an abusive father after their mother died. Herr Neuhoff is once again kind, and after Noa lets him know that the baby is Jewish, he takes them both in and gets them German papers. He also tells Astrid to train Noa to be an aerialist and get her ready to perform when they go on the road to France in only six weeks. Astrid resents Noa at first, but grows to love her like a sister, and also grows very attached to baby Theo. Having gymnastics training, Noa catches on fast, and by the time they arrive to their destination in France, Noa is ready to "fly". This doesn't negate the dangers of the German officers constantly being around, coming to view the circus shows, and sometimes springing surprise checks on the circus to make sure they aren't harboring any Jews. Herr Neuhoff always manages to appease them with coins and drink, but the fear is never far from Noa, Astrid, or Peter who loves her. Peter, though, doesn't realize that his own clown act where he mocks the high-stepping German soldiers is dangerously close to having him arrested for treason. Meanwhile, Noa meets a handsome young french man in town, Luc, who falls instantly in love with her. She can't help being attracted to him as well. What he doesn't tell her is that he's the mayor's son, and the mayor must go along with the German soldiers and anything they order to keep his town folks safe. Noa begins to feel more and more a part of the circus family, but knows that eventually she'll have to take Theo to a safer life. Astrid, who has become Herr Neuhoff's right hand woman, finds out that she's pregnant. She tells Peter and he plans a surprise wedding for her! The whole circus is in on it and wary as she is about trusting in marriage again, Astrid says yes. They're happiness is very short lived, however, as the German police come to arrest Peter for his treasonous clown act, brutally clubbing and kicking Astrid in the stomach as she tries to grab for Peter. Peter is taken away and never seen again. :-( Of course, Astrid starts bleeding and she and Noa realize she's losing the baby. With all the stress, and as he himself is trying to keep Astrid from being beaten, Herr Neuhoff keels over and dies from a heart attack! The circus goes downhill from there and is ordered to go back to Germany with Herr Neuhoff's no-good son in charge. He fires many of the crew workers, making the circus a far less safe place than it was. Luc, who has begged Noa to run away with him after they finally have an intimate night and believe they are in love, finds out the circus has moved and makes his way to Germany. He has finally stood up to his father and told him he should have helped the Jewish people in town instead of following the Germans' orders. Luc brings with him a letter that had arrived at the French town that is addressed to Astrid! The letter is from her youngest brother, Jules! He is miraculously alive and made his way to America!! He tells Astrid that he's got a pass for her at the embassy in Lisbon that will allow her to come to America, but she must go right away. Astrid is still numb from the arrest of Peter. She knows in her heart they have probably already killed him, and feels completely devastated without him or their child. With Herr Neuhoff dead, her only remaining emotional links are Noa and Theo. Now, she's heard from her brother who she thought was dead! Also in the letter is a note for $10,000 and a German pass from the Third Reich that will actually allow her safe access out of the country. Astrid realizes that Erich had received Jules' letter first, and added the money and the pass to assure that she would safely escape, before forwarding the letter to her. She's heartbroken all over again about Erich, but knows this is her chance. However.....a big however....she has grown to love Noa and Theo and insists that Noa take the pass and money instead!! She wants Noa to take Theo and take him to a safe new life. Noa, though, against Astrid's wishes, has made plans to run away with Luc. Luc has said they can raise Theo as their own and he wants them to go and join the resistance fighters in the encampments in the woods. Astrid is furious with Noa that she would endanger Theo that way and not take the pass to leave the country. Whatever final decision they make, they must both leave that night after their last circus performance! Noa insists that Astrid go to her brother, and she takes Theo to meet Luc at their pre-arranged point, but Luc never shows up! :-( Noa runs back to the circus hoping to catch Astrid and at least have her take Theo with her. As she arrives, she sees that the circus tent is on fire. Bombs had dropped terribly close during the show and she fears that some spark has ignited the tent. As the panicking people run from the circus tent, Noa runs in in time to see Astrid stuck up on the aerialist platform where she had been for her last bow before leaving. She is stuck! Her only way down is for Noa to climb up to the opposite platform and catch her in the middle on their trapezes, and then drop her into the corner of the net nearest her where no fire has burned the net yet. They are successful in their attempt, but as Noa clumsily climbs back down her ladder with Theo in tow, the tent begins to fall. Noa tosses Theo to Astrid as the poles of the circus tent come down to crush her. As she lays dying in Astrid's arms, she begs Astrid to take Theo right away and make her escape to her brother. As Noa closes her eyes for the last time, Astrid does that, and finally with some luck on her side, manages to make it all the way to America (and Jules) with Theo. Years later, when she is in her 90's, Astrid makes her way to a Neuhoff circus exhibition in New York when she sees in the paper that one of the exact train cars that was used in the Neuhoff circus is in the exhibit. She makes a wild plan to leave her nursing home and goes there to relive all her memories. Of course, her children make it there when they are notified, and they lovingly tell her they must now return to the home. Her children are the grown Theo and a grown daughter named Petra!! It turns out, Astrid did NOT lose her and Peter's baby. She only had severe bleeding and thought she had. Astrid sees in the exhibit an old picture of Peter with a plaque saying he died at Auschwitz. Then, she sees a beautiful painting of Noa flying through the air from the trapeze! It's a picture she's never seen before. She knows that Luc, who no one ever heard from again, was a budding artist and wonders if it could have been Luc that painted it. The plaque beneath the painting says that it was discovered in the possession of a young Frenchman who was killed in a bombing in 1944. Astrid realizes that Luc was killed in the very bombing that most likely set the circus tent on fire, and that's why he never showed up for Noa. Noa and her beloved Luc died on the same day. This was a good book and fast read!