Since We Fell follows Rachel Childs, a former journalist who, after an on-air mental breakdown, now lives as a virtual shut-in. In all other respects, however, she enjoys an ideal life with an ideal husband. Until a chance encounter on a rainy afternoon causes that ideal life to fray. As does Rachel’s marriage. As does Rachel herself. Sucked into a conspiracy thick with deception, violence, and possibly madness, Rachel must find the strength within herself to conquer unimaginable fears and mind-altering truths. By turns heart- breaking, suspenseful, romantic, and sophisticated, Since We Fell is a novel of profound psychological insight and tension. It is Dennis Lehane at his very best.
Oooo this New York Times recap goes into good detail. It IS kind of weird how the first part of the book is about Rachel's despair and search for her father, and then the second part of the book kicks into high gear with all the shenanigans. I do agree with the last sentence...after all she goes through with her search for her father, dealing with her childhood with her impossible mother, facing her agoraphobia, a failed first marriage, an earth-shattering experience reporting in post-earthquake Haiti, and the "interesting" relationship with her second husband, and love of her life, Rachel DOES finally learn to depend on herself!
New York Times: “Since We Fell” is the first Dennis Lehane novel written from a woman’s point of view. She’s a tough character, but it’s a miracle that she can get out of bed in the morning. Rachel Childs was raised by Elizabeth Childs, Ph.D., a single mother, a self-help celebrity author who damaged her daughter in every way she could think of — and a woman with a fertile imagination. Elizabeth made a sadistic, narcissistic game out of not letting Rachel know the identity of her father.
Rachel grew up thinking of life as “a series of detachments,” which is a way of describing Lehane’s atypical “Since We Fell,” too. The novel begins with a string of joltingly different episodes from an author whose usual style is much more propulsively linear. The sequences are all parts of Rachel’s life, but that doesn’t initially glue them together; she is struggling to figure out who she is, and so are we. Only over time does the larger trajectory of “Since We Fell” become clear.
It all makes much more sense in retrospect than it does as the book’s first chapters unfold. Here are some of its early developments: Rachel devotes herself to solving the mystery of her father. It’s complicated, and it leads the book into such unlikely areas as Luminism, the 19th-century style of American landscape painting. Lehane (“Mystic River,” “Gone, Baby, Gone”) has said that he can’t connect with white male working-class crime stories any more. Even so, this is a long way from home.The father question is answered, and not in ways likely to improve Rachel’s mental state. She’s the daughter of a man whose smile “wasn’t an invitation, it was a moat,” who brings to mind “the profligate poet, the drug-addled painter-genius, the musician who’d die in a car crash the day after he signed the big record contract.” So she fits right in with other tormented Lehane characters, who have two strikes against them before they even set foot on the field.
Strong and smart as she is, Rachel needs a man in her life. She marries a producer named Sebastian, who works at the Boston TV station where she is a rising star. He’s irritable when Rachel endangers her career, since he cares mostly about her status. She goes to cover the Haitian earthquake and can’t be chirpy enough to satisfy her bosses. “Our viewers need hope,” they tell her. “Haitians need water,” she replies. One on-air meltdown later, Rachel has been fired and is a public pariah.
Already subject to panic attacks, which are exacerbated by the horrors she saw in Haiti, Rachel stays in her apartment for 18 months. Sebastian drops out of her life. And it leads to Rachel becoming reacquainted with Mr. Right, Brian Delacroix, who she’d known casually and now looks at with new interest. He is tall, dark and handsome, and he is the first lover who really wanted to help her. Rachel falls gratefully into his arms, and they are married.
Their marriage ushers in a string of wall-to-wall spoiler alerts. Suffice it to say that this second part of “Since We Fell” is sharply different from the first. Instead, it’s packed with signs that Lehane sold this story to the movies, which he did, in 2015, and that he loves the Hitchcock classics that prey on mistrust. Suddenly, he begins delivering nonstop suspense only loosely rooted in Rachel’s story and its foundations.
Like so many mystery authors who have been drawn into screenwriting, Lehane writes best when he’s thinking solely about a book. “World Gone By,” the elegiac 2015 novel that preceded this one, had a tragic grandeur that is never approached by this less credible, more action-oriented thriller. But “World Gone By” had none of the tricks, shocks, visual effects, mad coincidences and disguises that propel “Since We Fell.” And Lehane is no slouch at those, either. He remains one of the great, diabolical thriller kings who seems intimately acquainted with darkness and can make it seep from the page or screen. A line of dialogue like “Oh, ho, ho, my man, let’s not push me tonight,” delivered with brittle levity, carries more menace than any outright threat could.
Rachel works extremely well as the focus of the book. Lehane has always written wrenching female characters into his stories, and he has no trouble giving center stage to one. The question is never whether she will escape her past. We know she’s got the moxie to do it, but where is she headed? Her options narrow as the book becomes more crime-centric and throws her into life-or-death situations rather than contemplative ones. But she’s as much of a pragmatist as anyone Lehane ever dreamed up. She comes a long way through the twists and turns of “Since We Fell,” which takes its title from a love song about desperate dependency. By the end of it, she’s learned how to depend on herself.
Their marriage ushers in a string of wall-to-wall spoiler alerts. Suffice it to say that this second part of “Since We Fell” is sharply different from the first. Instead, it’s packed with signs that Lehane sold this story to the movies, which he did, in 2015, and that he loves the Hitchcock classics that prey on mistrust. Suddenly, he begins delivering nonstop suspense only loosely rooted in Rachel’s story and its foundations.
Like so many mystery authors who have been drawn into screenwriting, Lehane writes best when he’s thinking solely about a book. “World Gone By,” the elegiac 2015 novel that preceded this one, had a tragic grandeur that is never approached by this less credible, more action-oriented thriller. But “World Gone By” had none of the tricks, shocks, visual effects, mad coincidences and disguises that propel “Since We Fell.” And Lehane is no slouch at those, either. He remains one of the great, diabolical thriller kings who seems intimately acquainted with darkness and can make it seep from the page or screen. A line of dialogue like “Oh, ho, ho, my man, let’s not push me tonight,” delivered with brittle levity, carries more menace than any outright threat could.
Rachel works extremely well as the focus of the book. Lehane has always written wrenching female characters into his stories, and he has no trouble giving center stage to one. The question is never whether she will escape her past. We know she’s got the moxie to do it, but where is she headed? Her options narrow as the book becomes more crime-centric and throws her into life-or-death situations rather than contemplative ones. But she’s as much of a pragmatist as anyone Lehane ever dreamed up. She comes a long way through the twists and turns of “Since We Fell,” which takes its title from a love song about desperate dependency. By the end of it, she’s learned how to depend on herself.