Finished: Homecoming by Kate Morton. A pretty good new book by Morton. I've read her books in the past and she sticks with the same formula of going in between the past and the present and usually has a very "surprise" connection between two of the characters. In Homecoming, Jess is a journalist who was raised by her grandmother, Nora, in Australia. After college she set out to London to pursue her career. Her mother, Polly, is alive, but left her when she was young, thinking it was best for her to be raised by her grandmother. (Mostly because Nora drilled into Polly's head that Jess would hate moving when Polly moved out, and that Polly had zero confidence and was a weak mother.) Now, Nora is very ill in Australia and both women set out to see her. Jess arrives first and her grandmother starts saying things in delirium about her past...don't let him take her from me....the journal...etc. Then the story unfolds as we see the history of Nora, her brother and his wife Isabel, and their four children, and the tragedy that unfolded when their youngest child was an infant. It's pretty easy to figure out in this one that Nora is not the good, moral person that Jess has always thought she was. And, her mother is not an uncaring deserter. We hear the viewpoints of all three ladies, plus Isabel, as the story unfolds. A pretty good book, but took me forever to read because of real life getting in the way, and because it just didn't grab me and hold me down like so many books do. :-)