
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Finished: Night (Wiesel) It blows my mind every time I read about a person's concentration camp experience during WWII that my parents were alive and teenagers while this was going on. How could this happen in our world?? I know other horrific things have happened in my lifetime. I just can't ever shake myself of the horror that Hitler put these innocent people through. Night is Elie Wiesel's personal story of his family being torn apart...women one way, and most likely incinerated in the giant chimney the first night of separation, and men the other way. He was fifteen years old and managed to stay at the same camps as his father, who passed away towards the end of their horrific experience. Elie was sixteen when they were finally liberated, but oh the horrors they went through. :-( Have I used the word horror too much? I don't think so. How about the word chimney? It has an entirely different, heartbreaking and permanent meaning to Elie Wiesel than it will ever have to me. How sad is that? There really are no words.

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