
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Finished: End of Watch (King) The final book in the trilogy that began with Mr. Mercedes, the eerie book that began with psychopath Brady Hartsfield purposely running a stolen Mercedes into an early morning, financially desperate crowd standing in line for a job fair. Mr. Mercedes introduced us to retired cop Bill Hodges, who along with his quirky sidekicks, Holly and Jerome, figured out who Brady was, and then managed to stop him before he blew up a concert hall full of preteens gathered to see a popular boy band in concert...included in the crowd, Jerome's young sister, Barbara. Though they stopped him, they unfortunately didn't kill him...but left him so brain damaged that he's been in a semi-comatose state for the past six years in a brain institute. In the second book, Finders Keepers, Brady is not the focus of the story, but is living the life of a virtual vegetable in the institute while Hodges, Holly and Jerome cement their bond and investigative skills helping out the family of one of the job fair victims. By the time we get to End of Watch, Jerome is off building houses in Arizona with Habitat for Humanity and Hodges and Holly have opened their own detective agency, aptly called Finders Keepers! Bill has also just found out he's got very advanced pancreatic cancer, and his bad health is definitely showing. Holly is distraught, as Bill and Jerome are her only true friends in life. As for Brady, his brain has actually been in tact for a long, long time. He's just been hiding it so he won't be prosecuted for the job fair murders. Hodges has visited him several times over the years and let him know that he KNOWS Brady is really in there and faking it. Then, things get a little whacky...Brady begins to be able to move things in his room through telekinesis. We meet Dr. Babineau, Brady's unethical doctor who has been injecting Brady with an illegal drug for years, in hopes of reversing his brain damage and bringing him back. Whether because of the drug or because of Brady's stubborn will, he has come back and with these powers of telekinesis and more! When a janitor brings an old hand held Gameboy type game called Zappit into his room one day, Brady sees the janitor go into a trance watching the screen. Somehow Brady is able to put himself into the janitor's body while he's in the trance! When he finds out he's able to do this, he quickly begins using both the janitor and the doctor as bodies for his dangerous plan. Every time he goes into their bodies, he eats away a little bit more of their own memories, etc. So, Brady's big plan is to buy all the now discontinued Zappits left at their company, reprogram them, and get them sent out to teenagers. He wants to cause a suicide epidemic by using the Zappit game to get into the teenager's heads and convince them they're worthless and that they should end their lives! His plan is made all the more evil by the fact that all the teenagers who are getting the devices are the kids who were at the boy band concert six years before...those kids who he was kept from killing then! He almost succeeds when he gets inside Barbara's head as she watches her game. She convinces herself she wants to kill herself with Brady's voice guiding her. She steps in front of a huge truck, but is saved at the last minute by a boy she was talking to on the corner! The Zappit is smashed, and Barbara suffers only a broken leg. She immediately contacts Hodges and Holly and they are quickly on the case! As crazy as it seems, they figure out that somehow Brady is putting himself in other people's bodies and doing diabolical things!! Jerome comes home from Arizona to see his sister, and then to help Bill and Holly once again get the better of Brady! Brady is now fully ensconced in Dr. Babineau's body, even having killed Babineau's wife. As Dr. Babineau, Brady goes into his own room and kills off his own body so no one will suspect him. However, Hodges and company DO figure it out! With Bill nearly passing out from pain, he and Brady have one final confrontation, with Holly and Jerome also jumping in to help save the day! Brady is finally killed as Dr. Babineau and is gone forever. ( I think he's gone forever...since this was the last of the trilogy. I suppose he could have "jumped" into someone else at the last minute, but he didn't have a Zappit in his hands to do so when he died.) Anyway, eight months later, Holly and Jerome meet at Bill's grave. He has, in fact, succumbed to his pancreatic cancer. Thus ends the Bill Hodges (and hopefully the Brady Hartsfield) story! It's not my favorite of the Stephen King books, and my least favorite of this trilogy, because of the far out suspension of belief we are supposed to have that Brady can go into other people's bodies. I guess that's typical King though? And, was a page-turner. :-)

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