
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Finished: Intuitive Eating (Tribole & Resch) A book about giving up the yo-yo-ing of dieting and relearning what you knew instinctively as a to eat when you're hungry and to stop when you're full; how to enjoy foods in moderate proportions and not get so stuck on depriving yourself of food that you love that you binge that food compulsively. A pretty interesting book! Much of what was said makes sense. There are some basic principals to the program, some of which I think I can really try to work on. 1) Reject the diet mentality. "Restricting food triggers primal hunger which leads to binge eating." 2) Honor your hunger. "Eating regularly will help you get in touch with gentle hunger, rather than the extremes that often occur with chaotic eating. Ultimately, you will trust your own hunger signals." 3) Make peace with food. "Take risks, try "fear" foods when ready and not vulnerable." i.e., eat what you've always considered to be "bad" food and find out it's ok in moderation. 4) Challenge the food police. "Take the morality and judgment out of eating." Especially your judgment of yourself. 5) Feel your fullness. "Transition away from experiencing the extreme fullness that is associated with binge eating. Once regular eating is established, gentle fullness will begin to resonate." 6) Discover the satisfaction factor. "If satisfying foods and eating experiences are included regularly, there will be less impetus to binge." 7) Cope with emotions without using food. "Take a time-out from compulsive eating to start experiencing and dealing with feelings." 8) Respect your body. "Respect the here and now body." i.e., don't lament about the past body you had or the future body you want. 9) Exercise. "Moderate exercise can help manage stress and anxiety." Don't associate exercising with losing weight, but with getting and feeling healthy. 10) Honor your health. "Learn to remove the rigidity of nutrition." Recognize that the body needs essential fat, carbohydrates, protein and a variety of foods. There is definitely alot I can implement from this book, but as all changes, this will take time. I've got my exercise program going to smoothly that it would be nice to finally "make my peace" with food. :-)

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