
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Finished: Laughing Boy (La Farge) Pulitzer Prize winner of 1930 about a pair of Navajo teens, Laughing Boy and Slim Girl, who meet, fall in love, and marry against the wishes of Laughing Boy's family. Slim Girl had been taken from her home as a young girl, after her parents died, and sent to an American school. When sent to work for a preacher's family, she ended up becoming a prostitute when the only people who would care for her when she became pregnant by an American who deserted her were the "working girls". She eventually meets another American who becomes enamored of her and returns to the town again and again, lavishing her with money if she'll be his alone. He wouldn't ever think of marrying her though. When Slim Girl travels to a traditional Navajo dance, which takes place over several days, she meets Laughing Boy. They are instantly drawn to each other, and Laughing Boy asks his uncle for permission to marry Slim Girl. (Interestingly, it was tradition for the family of the boy's mother to make the decision, while his own father just had to go along with whatever was decided.) The uncle, having heard rumors about Slim Girl, first that she'd been "Americanized" and second that she had a certain way of making money, emphatically declared no. In defiance of his family, Laughing Boy returned with Slim Girl to her town, where she had a house on the outskirts. She made up an excuse as to why he could never set foot in the town, and pretended to still go into town to work for the preacher's wife, while she continued to see the American. She loved Laughing Boy, but she wanted to also set them up with a good life so they could go back to his home and live the Navajo way, but start off comfortably. Laughing Boy was a talented silversmith, creating bridles, bow guards, jewelry etc., while Slim Girl learned to weave nice blankets. They were together for a year and a half, traveling back to Laughing Boy's home for a visit, with almost everyone accepting Slim Girl...except his uncle. Eventually Laughing Boy finds out about the American and vows to leave Slim Girl. But then, she tells him her entire story and how she was deserted by everyone but the prostitutes and how she came to live the life she did. She tells Laughing Boy that she loves him and him alone and that she'll leave with him right now to go make their home near his family. Laughing Boy forgives her, and they set out with most of their belongings, to go and live among their own people. Tragically, Slim Girl is killed by the gunfire of a jealous Native American man, Red Man, as they travel home. Set in 1915, Laughing Boy was billed as the "greatest Indian love story of all time". I don't know if that's true, but it did keep me reading, and I'm glad I finally read the story. :-)

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