Finished: Anxious People (Backman) A very moving book by an author I really like, who wrote both Beartown and A Man Called Ove. In this story, a group of people who are viewing an apartment for sale, a first time bankrobber, at risk of losing a custody battle, who only wants to steal enough money for one month's rent, and a father and son police officer team of the small town they all live in, are strangers who all come together in the most unlikely and poignant of ways. When the bankrobber realizes the bank to be robbed is a cashless bank with no money, the police are alerted and the bankrobber dashes across the street and barges in on the apartment viewing, gun in hand. I really came to love each of these imperfect characters, including the bankrobber, as they went through this ordeal together, opening up to each other about life, marriage, worries and hopes. So many of the characters connected in ways we didn't know when we started the story. At the center of a couple of the character's stories was the bridge that could be seen from the apartment balcony where ten years before, a man who'd lost all his money in the real estate market crash, unable to provide for his family or keep his home, took his own life by jumping off the bridge....AFTER begging a steel-hearted bank manager for a loan and being turned down. That bank manager carried a letter from the man in her purse for ten years, feeling responsible for his death. Of course, she is one of the people looking at the apartment! I love the way all the characters are tied together either in the past, or in the future, as they develop unbreakable bonds. Great story! :-)
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