
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finished: Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne). A fun read. :-) And now...I've read the top 50 authors of my 100! Generally this is not my type of book at all, but this was a fun read. I thought I would have to drag through it, but even though the premise is outlandish, it kept me turning the pages! I (like Axel) kept are they ever going to get out?? The deeper they go, they'll never make it. Anyway, I liked the "new world" they found...and how they named each new large landmark after themselves, lol. was clever how they eventually got out, even though highly unlikely. I suppose that's the idea with science fiction though!! I doubt I'll read more Jules Verne, but I'm so glad this project of mine is making me read authors I would have never looked at before. I do have an appreciation for each of their works! My favorite quote from the book, when Axel is arguing with his uncle about continuing their journey, the uncle convinces him (or bullies him) to continue because a theory of his is correct..."Once science has spoken, one should remain silent." Hee hee. :-) I said, I've now read the top 50 authors on my list! Yay! Of course, some I had read before this endeavor, but most I've read since I started! I only have 17 authors left to go in my top 100 and there are so many books I still want to read...repeats of different authors. Here's the list of the top 50:

1 Shakespeare, William
2 Dostoevsky, Fyodor
3 Dickens, Charles
4 Alighieri, Dante
5 Tolstoy, Leo
6 Faulkner, William
7 Kafka, Franz
8 Proust, Marcel
9 Cervantes, Miguel
10 Chekhov, Anton
11 Melville, Herman
12 Twain, Mark
13 Hemingway, Ernest
14 Woolf, Virginia
15 Poe, Edgar Allan
16 Marquez, Gabriel G.
17 Joyce, James
18 Orwell, George
19 Homer
20 Austen, Jane
21 Nabokov, Vladimir
22 Steinbeck, John
23 Goethe, Johann W. von
24 Camus, Albert
25 Hugo, Victor
26 Bronte, Charlotte
27 Eliot, George
28 Wilde, Oscar
29 Conrad, Joseph
30 de Balzac, Honore
31 Blake, William
32 Tolkien, J.R.R.
33 Milton, John
34 Chaucer
35 Dumas, Alexander
36 Sophocles
37 Hardy, Thomas
38 Doyle, Arther Conan
39 Keats, John
40 Salinger, J.D.
41 Eliot, T.S.
42 Fitzgerald, F. Scott
43 Beckett, Samuel
44 Bronte, Emily
45 Stevenson, Robert L.
46 Flaubert, Gustave
47 Verne, Jules
48 Dickinson, Emily
49 Shaw, George B.
50 Hawthorne, Nathanial

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