The next four books I read earlier in the year...
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe: Hide n Seek - Magic Wardrobe - Lucy - the Lampost - Narnia - Mr. Tumnus, the faun - Edmund - the White Witch - Turkish Delight! - Peter - Susan - Mr. and Mrs. Beaver - Two Sons of Adam - Two Daughters of Eve - Stone Statues - Aslan - Edmund prisoner of the White Witch - Aslan's life for Edmund's - The Stone Table - White Witch kills Aslan - Aslan, true goodness, comes back to life! - The Battle - Aslan kills the White Witch - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are crowned - White Stag - back to the Wardrobe
To Kill a Mockingbird: Maycomb, Alabama - Atticus Finch, lawyer, widower, father, goodness and faith - Atticus: "Before I can live with other folks, I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." - Scout, 6 year old daughter, intelligent and precocious - Jem, older brother, protective, daring, football lover - Calpurnia, black cook, important to the kids - Dill, friend for summers - walking everywhere barefoot - Boo Radley, recluse, abused by father as a child - Jem, Dill and Scout try to sneak to Boo's windows to look inside and get a peak of Boo - Jem's pants ripped on fence - next day Jem's pants repaired and sitting in nook of tree - gifts for kids appear in tree nook in front of Boo's house - Tom Robinson, black man on trial for raping white woman, Mayella Ewell - racism seethes in the town - Atticus to defend Tom - Atticus: "Courage is when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - tense lynch mob stands down while Tom in jail - Scout, Jem and Dill watch trial from "colored" balcony - Tom is innocent - Atticus: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - Bob Ewell, town drunk, supreme racist, Mayella's father - despite evidence of Tom's innocence and Atticus' eloquent, respected defense, Tom is found guilty - Tom is shot and killed trying to escape from prison after seeing things as hopeless - Atticus: "It's a sin to kill a mockingbird." - Faith and justice system sorely tested for Jem and Atticus - Jem ruins the flowers of old racist lady of the town, Mrs. Dubose - Atticus punishes Jem - He must go and read to Mrs. Dubose every day - Jem learns courage from Mrs. Dubose as she slowly defeats her addiction to morphine - Halloween pageant at school - Scout is a ham in the play - Scout and Jem attacked walking home after pageant by Bob Ewell - Jem is knocked out and his arm is broken - Boo Radley fights Bob Ewell, saves the kids and carries Jem home - Bob Ewell killed in struggle - Scout realizes it was Boo who saved them - "Hey Boo" - Love This Book!!
1984: Winston Smith - Outer party - post-apocalyptic England - Oceania - Winston a historical revisionist - deleted people - unpersons - memory hole - incinerator - the Party - Big Brother - Thought Police - Winston's illegal journal, punishment by death if caught - surrounded by telescreens at home - doublethink..."the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." - Julia, another middle class, outer party worker - Julia passes Winston a note - I LOVE YOU - Julia and Winston begin an affair despite huge risks - rent a room over friend Charrington's antique shop for affair - O'Brien contacts Winston - part of The Brotherhood, secret organization trying to put down the Party? - Winston and Julia caught by Thought Police - Charrington is one of the Thought Police! - O'Brien, evil, is the Thought Police leader, not in The Brotherhood! - Winston and Julia arrested, separated - Winston tortured by O'Brien - electroshock - starvation - isolation - repetitiveness - submission - 2+2 = 5 - will-breaking - Winston still says he loves Julia - Winston goes to the most feared Room 101, ultimate torture - Winston's biggest fear rats - Room 101 rats about to be released on Winston's face - Winston turns on Julia - Winston finally re-indoctrinated and re-introduced into Oceania society - Winston and Julia run into each other - Julia admits the same torture and that she also gave up Winston - they have no feelings left - the end - Big Brother is Watching.
Brave New World: London - World State - 2540 AD - no families, no childbirth - children raised in hatcheries and raised in conditioning centres - babies raised in decanters - Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, Epsilons - Alphas are top dogs, tall, good looking, conditioned for top jobs - Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons chemically altered, Betas very little - Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons quite a bit altered, lower intelligence, easier to control, many from the same egg so look alike, act alike, work in lower jobs - Consumption is valued - use the products that are made - keep the workers working - "ending is better than mending" - buy new, don't fix - Social clubs - recreational sex encouraged - orgies - Soma - drug used by all - "everyone belongs to everyone else" - no families, no ties, no mourning when someone dies - Bernard an Alpha plus, super intelligent, psychologist, unsure of himself, shorter than most Alphas, likes Lenina - Lenina, Alpha, hatchery worker, loves her Soma, pretty - Helmholtz, Bernard's one friend, Alpha, tall, goodlooking, likes to write - Bernard and Lenina go on holiday to a Savage reservation - Savages are uncontrolled people left to their own devices in undesirable land - Reservation rituals - Lenina forgets her Soma - Linda, former inhabitant of World State left at Savage Reservation years ago because she got pregnant - son, John the Savage, 18 years old, son of Thomas the Director of the Hatchery - Thomas always against Barnard, wants Barnard exiled - Linda wants to return home, misses Soma - John wants to see the world - Linda and John go back with Barnard - Thomas tries to degrade Barnard in front of society, but Barnard reveals that Thomas if father of John - Thomas is humiliated and resigns - Barnard suddenly popular as he brings new exciting John the Savage to parties - Linda starts using Soma heavily - John doesn't like the society - Linda takes too much Soma and dies - John goes berserk, throws hospital workers' Soma out the windows - wants to see emotions from people - riot ensues - police come - Soma rains down on everyone from the sky to calm everyone - Helmholtz helps John - Helmholtz and Barnard tried and banished from London for helping encourage the nonconformist behavior of John - Helmholtz picks islands where he can write - Barnard banished to a different island - John exiles himself at lighthouse outside London - John whips himself every day, soon becomes a tourist attraction - people watch from afar, including Lenina - people converge on John and there is a huge Soma-induced orgy in which John participates - disgusted with himself, John hangs himself - Oh my Ford.
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