
Saturday, March 25, 2023

 Finished: I Have Some Questions For You (Makkai) I was so anxious to read the new book by Rebecca Makkai since I LOVED her The Great Believers! This one did not disappoint. :-) It wasn't as meaningful to me as TGB, but was a nice mystery with very developed characters. Bodie Kane is a successful crime blogger and film professor who is 20 years past her boarding school days in New Hampshire. She's put her painful childhood and teenage years from boarding school behind her, but it all comes rushing back when she's invited back to Granby as a visiting film professor for two weeks. Her students have been given the assignment to create their own documentary podcasts, and one student has chosen a tragedy from Bodie's senior year at Granby that opens up all the old wounds, and most importantly, some nagging doubts. In her senior year, Bodie's roommate, Thalia, had been murdered and the athletic trainer was still spending his life in prison for it. But, did they get the right man? The student's documentary is about Omar, the athletic trainer, and how he was imprisoned unfairly and is an innocent man who should get a retrial. The entire book is narrated to one specific teacher from Bodie's years who had a physical relationship with Thalia. Bodie has convinced herself that it was this teacher and not Omar who killed Thalia. As we get deeper into the story, we see that not only did that teacher have motive and opportunity, but so did a few of the students....Thalia's hotheaded boyfriend, her jealous girlfriends, her rejected suitors, etc. The mystery is cracked at the end with a surprise, but not off the rails, twist. A good read and very well written!